
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tick Tock

As much as I would love to turn back the clock to before the events of this last week, of course I can't.  Tick tock tick tock.  Life moves on and so do the plans that we have made.

Ernest has embarked on another trip with People to People.  He will be spending 2 weeks in India and is in transit now.  I will be posting his itinerary in sections every few days.

It's hard to let him go every single time, but this time he was even more precious to me.  Knowing this, he gave me less of a hard time about my need to take the "Bye, Mom" picture.  (20082009 and 2010).

UPDATE:  I have evidence he made it to Newark.  Him of the glowing shoes in the center!    They were supposed to wear conservative shoes so I hope those yellow and black shoes with toes don't get him into trouble.  The other pair is in the checked luggage.


  1. Looking back at those "Bye Mom" pictures is a really interesting look at your boy growing up. He looks so young in that first one!

  2. a) he sure does look grown up, hmm? and b) INDIA! wow!

  3. Bon voyage!
    And good luck to you, mama, as you say behind.

  4. I can only imagine how difficult it is, but you must also be very proud of him!

  5. Ernest is the most amazing young man EVER. I've loved him since I started reading your blog. You and he need to come visit, I swear. We'd have a blast.

  6. Ernest is adventurous, you are one brave mama, and I am kicking myself for not being a faithful reader of your blog all those years!

  7. Heidi, I am exhausted and confused from traveling, but I read your comment at Derf and I want you to know I am thinking of you and your family and your community.


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