
Friday, September 07, 2012

Pink Saturday and Saturday PhotoHunt: Stuck

I think I can cover both PhotoHunt: Stuck and Pink Saturday here.  Clearly he's a pink shirt.

Sometimes as a mother you have to make a choice.  Seize the photo opportunity or rescue the child.  Since this was only an embarrassing, but not life threatening, situation, I seized the opportunity.

Then I rescued the child.  Fortunately the aforementioned child does not remember any of this.  I have confessed before that this was my worst moment as a mother.  And if this was my worst, then I am pretty darn good!

I'm not even going to tell you how long it took to get these photos to the computer...note to self...scanning the photos works much better than that stupid negative scanner does.   


  1. Hahaha how cute! Visiting from Pink Saturday.

    PINK reminders is my entry.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hahaha, and I'm sure that child will recover. Have got far more embarrassing photos of my siblings -- I'm quite a bit older than them, so could take photos when they were still babes -- and they seem fine despite it all! :)

  3. And aren't you glad you went for the camera?!

  4. *smile* reminds me of the time I when I was 3 and being chased by an angry flock of geese . . . mom took photos then realized I needed some rescuing. I turned out just fine (I think).

    Great shot for this week's theme.

    Have a super weekend.

  5. Darling little guy.Cute photo too.He'll love it someday.Thanks for visiting Me.Denise

  6. I can almost hear what he will be saying when he is grown looking back at this shot.

    Glad you went for the camera.

  7. What's even funnier... is that you had the presence of mind to grab the camera!

  8. If he could have talked, I am sure he would have reacted differentially. I think it is cute since he was in no danger.

  9. Thanks for being such a "bad" mom. That's a great photo and it made me laugh. Our entry for this week's "stuck" is: cats getting stuck in a different way.

  10. Sometimes, you gotta take what they give you for your own!

    Poor boy - but not for long!

  11. I am glad you picked up the camera first! Someday, when he himself is a father, he *might* be empathetic to your reasoning and even find this humorous.

  12. perfect for the stuck theme. fun for us but not fun for him. thanks for sharing.
    My photohunt post

  13. Glad you took the photo!

  14. I bet he'll find it funny! Great shots :-)


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