
Friday, November 16, 2012

False Advertising Part 2

This could become a regular series.

Normally I cook everything from scratch but sometimes a gal needs a break, you know, and I make a side dish from a box.

I generally have success with "rice boxes" but this one...  it tasted good but looked nothing like the "serving suggestion."

Blech.  Looks like dog food!  Would a dog even eat it?  If I'd rinsed off all the sauce and piled it on a teeny tiny spoon, and enlarged the picture, it might have looked more like it.

I had better luck with the dirty rice.

However the red and green flecks shown on the box were almost invisible in real life.  The green you see is what I added (green onions, bell pepper, and peas).  I can spot one pale red fleck in the middle of my spoonful.

Till next time.


  1. LOL! The picture on the dirty rice box looks like it has largish pieces of broccoli too. I've never seen that brand before.

  2. HA! What a bunch of lying liars!

    For what it's worth, I've liked Zatarain's rice mixes ...

  3. Another vote for Zatarain's here -- we just had their Red Beans & Rice last night (it looked like its accompanying box photo) with some chicken and a salad.

  4. sadly, those box things have a lot of salt I need to avoid.....

  5. Oh, that first one is GROSS looking!
    I do like Zatarain's, too.

  6. You really could do a series!! Although it might make your readership nauseous. Hmmmmm....!

  7. This is great! What gets me are the restaurant food photos. You could probably do a whole blog about this and get others to send in their grievances!


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