
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Panther Redux

When Ernest first started taking piano lessons, he was delighted as his abilities increased and he was able to play really cool songs. One of them was the theme from The Pink Panther, by Henry Mancini.

Frank joined him to play it at a talent show in 2005. Yes, I do have the old video but it's too much work to put it on the computer.

Fast forward eight years later, and Ernest is playing it again. This time, it is easy peasy to upload although it took 90 minutes.



  1. Oh, that was wonderful! Thank you!

    Your boys are so musical. :)

  2. Pink Panther TIES! Now I check out the video, thanks!

  3. OH that is delightful, they are all so skilled!

  4. Wow! Jazzy! Congrats on your new and improved video uploading skills, and congrats to your son on his new and improved Pink Panther playing instrument! I'm sure it sounds much better on sax than it did on piano.

  5. What a sweet photo of your boys so many years ago.

    Love the sax performance!


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