
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bye Mom Again

Ernest dressed up for an event, so I felt I simply HAD to have a picture of him.  To be extra sure we got a good one, I handed the big camera to my husband.  He got a picture (but I cropped it down to this because he didn't know about the zoom lens).  I like my hands and phone in there!

Then I grabbed the big camera myself.  But it was already too late, he was all Bye Mom, I Gotta Go.  We could retitle it Catch Me If You Can.  Gone in 60 Seconds.  Gone With The Wind.

See ya.  Whoosh.  The tail of the trench coat flowing around the corner.

The next day he packed up for a 5-day climbing/backpacking trip with his class.


  1. a) nice collection of teapots etc behind your son! and
    b) I live in black Levi jeans.... wore them yesterday, will wear them today---your son is wearing them too, BADASS!

  2. You know, he's a handsome young man in both get-ups.

  3. yes, I see the teapots!
    They are grown in a flash! What a good looking son you have.

  4. What a handsome young man. And tall too.

  5. Yep - I miss more photos opss because of the speed at which they move! When they aren't sleeping...

  6. Such a teenager! :)

    I missed a photo op yesterday of my man-cub... he was out the door before I could get the camera out of the case!

  7. LOVE the artwork on the wall to the right in the top two pics!!


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