
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Around the House: Ironing

Ernest is packing... he asked me a couple questions.

"Mom, how do I fold a shirt so it won't wrinkle?"  Fold it the way it was when you bought it.  Like this.  And look at this quick way to fold t-shirts.  (Thanks Jen and C for the links.)

"Can you teach me how to iron?"  I said, "Have the shirt laundered at the cleaners.  They'll do a much better job!"  But we practiced on a wrinkled cotton dress shirt I found in the closet.  Most important instruction:  Careful, don't burn yourself.  (Oops, he did.)  He ironed pants, too.

Ironing is definitely not big amongst teen-age boys.  He says only one male boarder at Hogwarts had an iron. I rarely iron any more -- nothing needs it.  I keep the iron for sewing projects.    I remember my mother always having a large basket of ironing.  That's what I learned on.

Do you still iron?


  1. ironing? what ees thees ironing of which you speak????

  2. My grandma (who embroidered beautifully) had a set of those dishtowels with the daily chores on them. I seem to recall kittens as the featured housekeepers. As a small child, I thought they were spectacular. She used them, so I'm sure they dissolved along the way. How I wish I had those! (I do have quite a few "pillowslips" as she called them.)

    I iron about as much as you do, but I did teach my kids to iron. The dress-shirt-needer agrees that the laundry does a superb job on dress-shirts (and they deliver to his office!)

    Don't you just love the look of a perfectly ironed dress shirt? Yum.

  3. I was taught to start with the collar first then cuffs.
    I only iron when I am sewing or if the man has forgotten to take out his shirts... he does a better job than me, but he will wait me out.
    Wise to teach these skills.

  4. I rarely iron. Wrinkles don't bother me too much.

  5. We are ironers. My husband recently purchased a steamer because it's better for travel--he is a wiz with it and his close look great. Ernest might like it.

  6. I don't buy clothes that need to be ironed. I don't care about wrinkles, and there is enough housework to do without ironing!

  7. I iron about 4 times a year (if you don't count quilting projects). At our last house, I had a chair upon which there was a pile of clothing gathering dust while waiting to be mended and ironed. My boys have learned that it's best to not wait for mom to mend their clothes.

  8. I iron pretty much every week. No my husbands dress shirts which go to the cleaners - but tee shirts and cotton blouses and pants. I like cotton and it needs to be ironed...


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