
Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11, National Raspberry Tart Day

Last week Frank had a hankering to make wee raspberry tarts.  He described to me the type of crust he wanted as "somewhere in between pie and a cookie." A short time later BBCA showed a cooking competition making "sweet paste."  Perfect.

Take your raspberries

And smash them with some sugar.

Make your sweet pastry dough.  (Flour, butter, sugar, egg.)  I don't remember which recipe he used.

A pint glass is perfect for cutting out the circles.

 Press the circles into muffin pans.  I think he got 22.

 Bake till golden brown.

Fill and enjoy.


  1. Oh! I'd eat that with a side of tea!

  2. Wow! I think I'd gobble up all 22.

  3. And to think I skipped dinner altogether last night! *sigh*

  4. holy cats! I have a gluten free oat flour tartlet in a muffin pan crust recipe and.... WELL JUST MAYBE I should get my raspberries outta the fridge and see what happens :)

  5. Yum! Those look fabulous! I've never made tarts. Might just have to give them a try!

  6. Nice! Maybe a little squirt of whipped cream on top?


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