
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thematic Photographic: Strangers in our Midst

I took this In London on a sunny May day. This little girl was happily wading in the fountain at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Carmi at Written Inc. hosts Thematic Photographic. This weeks theme is Strangers in our Midst, or creative ways to photograph strangers.


  1. Oh, I love that. When we were at the V & A there were all these school-kids in uniforms wading in that fountain. Did you eat lunch in the fabulous dining rooms?

  2. I often feel uncomfortable photographing strangers, so I like being able to just take a picture of their backsides.

  3. It is a sweet shot. I love kids' photos when they are unaware you're taking them, but yes, one has to be careful not to have one's motives misunderstood!

  4. A delightful shot. Unfortunately these days we have to be careful when photographing strangers' children.

  5. We've missed you at the Saturday Photohunt!

    It won't be long before they are 'rousing' the skating rink at the V&A :-)

  6. In a blink, you've captured the wonder of childhood. This is such an amazing picture - the kind most of us wish we could take.

    I'm deeply moved, and am glad you shared it as part of this theme. Thank you!


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