
Friday, November 01, 2013


I really wish more people would practice this. You can't read anything online without someone being outraged about it. Even giraffe pictures and silly cartoons.  Wasn't life simpler, kinder and gentler before the Internet?  Yet on the other hand, life is enriched by the information now available. Woe is me, cursed with the ability to see both sides of most issues. I think I'll stay up here on my fence and practice tacenda. 


  1. Well, heck. i broke down and was a little bit ornery on facebook. GO me.

  2. I was describing to my grown daughter how it was to be a single mother with three little kids in a city far from family and friends...I was never SO ALONE. If I had had Facebook, and been just one screen away from people who loved me, it would have been SO much more bearable. Yes, there are giraffes and cat memes and crazy conservative rants. But it's also a link to life and love and conversation and pictures of my beloved, far-flung family, right there on the screen! I can delete anything I don't want to see--and look at the rest as often as I like. No contest!

  3. I am OUTRAGED by this post.

    Well, not really...

  4. I have never been on a blog. Well, not to my knowledge anyways. Not sure about any of this, but I really have enjoyed you on Facebook, so I think I would like your blog too. Hope you get this message,
    Denise Kudla... Kudsrus

  5. tacenda. i like it.

    see how good this NaBloPoMo thing is?

    only 29 days to go.....

  6. I just posted a horrible poem I wrote on facebook, and now I think I should post it next to the terlet. I am NOT contributing anything worthwhile to the world with this poem:
    "To ready this terlet for the next tush,
    and get a good flush,
    get rid of all that's foul,
    and empty the terlet bowl,
    don't FROWN!
    Hold the handle down!"

  7. I'm so with you. There are days when I have to just leave The Facebook behind because the negativity is literally making me sick. You, however, are a lovely breath of fresh air!

  8. At the risk of being contrary...So, isn't NaBloPoMo kind of the opposite of Tacenda?

    Oh, here we go! :)

  9. Hahaha, Linda. For the week or so of posts I already have planned, there is nothing I would consider tacenda. Except maybe cat pictures. Some people despise cat pictures.

  10. My first reaction to things people are offended by is often "Really? They need to get over it." But I have taught myself to shut up and listen, and sometimes I learn something about things that are causing other people pain.

  11. What makes me giggle is how many of the people most offended are the most offensive.
    But like Jenny, I ignore the haters and enjoy the rest!

  12. I do make it a conscious practice - especially at work!!

  13. It's your blog and you can do what you like -- and I'm glad you like cat pictures! :)

    'Tis the season to avoid certain people on facebook. One friend posted "I'm pregnant!" as her status last night. I was pretty sure it wasn't true, but she DOES have 9 kids, so I asked for clarification. She messaged me that it was a trap and now I had to play a game with some silly status update. Um, NO, I am not going to play the game.
    I still like her, though. :)

  14. I should probably practice tacenda more often.


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