
Friday, November 15, 2013

Following Through

Oh NaBloPoMo, you're not going to beat me.  I give up on a lot of things but I am determined to follow through and finish you this month.

I finally followed through on one of my long ago plans...take down the 2nd and 5th grade artwork on the cupboards in my dining nook.  Granted, it was lovely stuff.  But the 2nd grader is in 12th now so it was time for a change.  I took advantage of one of CafePress's $38 canvas sales (16 or 14 x 20) and had some recent photographs enlarged.  (The regular price for this size is $109.99 - ouch!)

If I could come up with some more wall space I'd have some more made.  I see the sales pretty often. They came with metal brackets for mounting on a nail but I can't pound nails into the back of my handy husband's handmade cabinets! So I used Command Damage-Free Hanging strips, 2 per canvas.  They seem very secure and they are Handy Husband Approved!

So what have you followed through on lately?

(Disclaimer -- I've received nothing from CafePress or Command for this post, although it would be nice if I did.  I found an online coupon for the Command strips if you'd like to try them.)

NaBloPoMo November 2013


  1. sadly, i have not managed to follow through on NaBloPoMo... but I am still blogging, even if it's not every single day. i'm giving myself a credit for that.

    my current goal is just to follow through on laundry and dishes. when that happens at my house it's a miracle.....

  2. looks good! follow through? oh gosh, I got out of bed today, right? that was a good start :)

  3. Thankful I didn't commit to nablopomo, but I did follow through on taking care of a stack of shopping errands that I'd put off for ages.

  4. This year I did not even attempt NaBloPoMo -- with my job, I knew better than to sign up.
    I love taking advantage of those sales to create something extra special (last year I made 2 Shutterfly books with wedding pictures). Today I just want to follow through on getting the laundry done!


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