
Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Perfect Vehicle

That picture looked in focus on the iPhone.'s too late to get out my old little point and shoot which took the best close-ups...because I ate the subject!

Where was I?  Oh, yes.

Wagon wheel pasta is the best vehicle for toasted pine nuts.  I hardly had to fudge this photo at all (I might have added 2 nuts and pushed another one down a bit).  For food styling, that's almost nothing.

What are your favorite pasta combos?

NaBloPoMo November 2013


  1. Pretty simple pasta pleasures here: olive oil, garlic, fresh parsley and shaved parm on top. Cielo!

  2. Mmmmm... pasta! It's sort of off my eating plan these days, but a good fettuccine Alfredo was always my favorite, especially with seafood.

  3. haha, so CLEVER! I just tossed some pasta into my soup which I will eat at lunch saying, from Seinfeld "it's a fusilli Jerry!"

  4. Hot Naked, from the Old Spaghetti Factory!

  5. I have never made wagon wheels! I'll have to try them. My husband says nothing taste as good as anything with bowties.


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