
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Time Warp Tuesday: Fairy Tale Life

I've always loved fairy tales. 
I longed to escape into the secret lands of the black forests, 
where wolves could speak and brothers turned into swans. 
Is it any wonder, when I am descended from a family named Grimm? 

Christmas 1964.
Red Riding Hood costumes for me and my best friend.
Note the stylish wolf purse!

I still have the outfits.


  1. I have always loved fairy tales too. I read through all the colors of the series of fairy tale books. I was a bit disappointed that my own daughter has never been nearly as taken with their romantic nature, so while I tried reading some of those books to her, she was never really interested. One of the things I loved about those books was the illustrations!

  2. The wolf purse is great, but the matching doll outfit? TOo cute!

  3. I loved fairy tales, too. The gorgeous illustrations, the story lines . . .

    Fantastic outfit.

  4. That is the BEST photo ever! You are adorable!

  5. OH!!! Love that purse!!! And the whole costume. And I really love that you still have it!

  6. So darling - and cool that you still have it!


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