
Monday, January 20, 2014


Needing a picture for the yearbook by March 1, we decided to take Ernest's senior pictures ourselves. This saves us a rather expensive "sitting fee" and also allows us to squeeze in a photo session or two at Ernest's convenience.

We only had 30 minutes for this session, due to his oversleeping two hours.

The tree below was featured in so many of the senior pictures in my high school yearbook, so these shots are for the sake of nostalgia.

Ernest likes to bend the rules.

I have some serious shots too. There's got to be something useable in the batch, and hopefully we'll be able to get another session in before the deadline.


  1. I know this dude, I have met him. He is polite, friendly, intelligent, personable, good sense of humor. Plus he has a purple outfit. I would flippin' vote this dude in for president ANY day :)

  2. Good for you, going the nostalgia route! And good for Ernest, playing it up for the camera in purple!

    I paid a friend to take H-J's senior pics in the park behind our house. (And then I promptly forgot to share them on facebook... oops!)

  3. We had a friend do our kid's senior portraits, too. she did a great job and it really helped us as we were in the financial weeds at the time!

    Yours look great! Love his expressive personality.

  4. His personality is bigger than a photograph. You can just tell.

  5. This is what I dream of doing with my guys!! Mind you, I'm in no rush to get to senior pictures though ;)

    I saw that earlier post on graduation, time can go so very fast, eh?!


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