
Monday, May 12, 2014

Looking Up: Climbing up the Wall

Due to the drought restrictions we aren't allowed to wash a car in the driveway as the water will run down the street and be wasted.  We must take it to a car wash where the water is collected, filtered and reused.

The car wash is making lots of money off of my husband, that's for sure.

One morning he wanted to wash the truck on our way home from breakfast.

I was a little bored, but instead of climbing the walls myself I took a picture of the vine climbing the walls.   I guess this is where the reclaimed water is going.


  1. I have always been amazed at how some plants can grow in the most inhospitable places - trees growing on the side of cliffs, for instance. It looks like this vine is doing pretty well.

  2. I am so happy that we are out of the drought we experienced a couple of summers ago. But not because I like to wash my car --it gets washed about once a year, I think :-)

  3. That dry by you, eh? We have lakeside property these days...

  4. yes, drought is impossible to imagine in soaked and green upstate NY, where your car can be washed daily by the abundant rains....


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