
Saturday, July 05, 2014

Join the Parade

Welcome to my small town Fourth of July parade!

There were happy chairs...

A mini cooper...

What!?!  A mini is patriotic. 
 Just read their sign: 
"Because of Great Britain, 
we have Independence, 
Classic Mini Coopers, 
Cups of Tea and 
Mr. Bean."

Even the goats were dressed appropriately.

Lots of cars, 

Even with the crazy hat in her eyes, she was the best driver in the entire parade.

Dancing horse

Horse's azz?

This dress swallowed the rider.

All we need are some tasty brews

And a nap.


  1. That looks like a great parade. In September, our town has a parade which consists of our huge high school marching band and all the sanitation trucks and fire trucks. We need to add a goat and a horse and a mini-cooper!

  2. How joyful! I wondered if the photo following the Mini photo was going to be of 20 clowns getting out of it. Kinda glad it wasn't, you know? I love a parade.

  3. I love a small-town parade!

    There were about five "takes" on that Mini-Cooper before I figured out that it was a MINI mini. I'm quick like that today.


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