
Friday, July 18, 2014

Peach Week Begins Again

Once again, it is peach week (or two)
and I am wracking my brain
trying to think of new and different ways to use them.
Pie is in the offing this weekend, of course.

Peach Cobbler and peach salsa have been devoured already. 

On the menu today: peach pulled pork (so alliterative).

I was short on counter space because of my little helper. 

To blanch or not to blanch.
These are tiny peaches.
You would not want to peel them by hand.
In raw dishes like salsa I just scrub off the fuzz and leave the peel.
For cooked dishes I blanch them for less than a minute,
drop them in ice water, and the skin slides off. 

Yucky skin. 

Beautiful naked peaches.

Throw it all in a slow cooker.  
However, my slow cooker is behind all this stuff. 
Behind the basket of cookie cutters, the shoe dryers, 
the stack of amazon envelopes, 
and the nearly hidden tote bag full of other tote bags. 

So I cooked it on the stovetop instead. 
One can of tomatoes (underneath), 
pork shoulder, 
the peaches, 
and an onion.

The men had their pork on a bun. 
I did not want to waste my stomach space.  
It was good!

Homemade cole slaw too. 

Next up, peach bread. 


  1. Peaches are one of the best fruits ever (the other being raspberries). We will get some in August, from Michigan.

    That pork recipe looks fabulous!

  2. I'm blushing at the naked peaches. They are beautiful. I LOOOOOOOVE peaches, but not the kind from the grocery store that have been shipped from somewhere in outer space.

  3. I make peach preserves, just peaches and sugar, long cook, no added pectin, just juice of one lemon. I'll post it up. The peaches with pork looks fantastic....I love a good peach. I'm in the month of blueberries.

  4. We get divine local peaches from our favorite vendor at the farmers market. I wish I had a big freezer so I could save enough for all year, but we don't have that much space, so…

    This week I baked a great peach cobbler(sublime under vanilla ice cream), and made some pulled pork and peaches in my slow cooker, which I agree is delicious.

    My blueberry bush is on strike this year--maybe next year!

  5. Oh, my...
    I think I need to move to a place with a bigger yard and some fruit trees!

  6. I'm definitely trying this! And all the other peach recipes too. YUM!


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