
Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Glare

Sometimes the bright afternoon sunlight leaves a blinding patch of glare on the floor. If it's in my line of sight for too long, I can develop a headache. Sometimes I throw a dark blanket over the spot.

On this day, Homer just made the glare worse. Even Fifi was glowing.


  1. Off topic-ish, but I LOVE the area rug. :-)

  2. Even in the summer, my cats adore a patch of sun. In the winter, when the house is chilly, I'll get a pillow and lie in the patch myself! It warms you right through to your soul.

  3. Ah, cat glare, that little known medical problem.

    They look SOOOO comfortable.

  4. Nothing better than lounging in the sunny spot!


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