
Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Circle of Clutter

It seems I can't deal with one thing until I have dealt with something else. I hardly know where to begin.

Since the Christmas decorations are still out of the closet, I dug around in the back and pulled out 4 large boxes of my aunt's travel slides that have been in there for 15 years.

(from this...)

In the trash! A few trays were not labeled so I did quickly look through them. Treasure - some slides of my wedding in '83 and a few others from '75, plus a couple of my small town in 1955! I guess it's time to get out the scanner.

(to this...)

So there I go, starting something else.


  1. But you got rid of some things. Bravo!

  2. I get such a rush purging clutter. Way to go!

  3. 1955!
    We have been doing big cleanings and throwaways. We get back from dump and salvation army and prepare another donation bag...and the place looks so clean! Feels soooo gooood .....

  4. that means you're feeling the mo-jo a good cleaning session can bring on!

  5. Wow! That's awesome! I'm impressed - and inspired!

  6. Something about cleaning out a closet that is like a treasure hunt.


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