
Friday, May 08, 2015

Pie Time

I did make a pie when Ernest came home. 

It was a delicious Blueberry Crumble pie, from the Ms. American Pie cookbook. But mine turned out rather soupy. Next time I make it I will use a lot more cornstarch.

I was entranced by how the cornstarch settled into the stem end of the blueberry, like a little star.  My people thought it was odd that I was taking pictures, but they should be used to me by now.

Although the pie was not quite as successful as I would have liked, I don't blame the cookbook. There are some fantastic pies in there.

I made the Banana Cream a few weeks ago and it was divine.


  1. My blueberry pies always turn out soupy. I've tried several different recipes. It's not necessarily a bad thing that they are soupy because it just means I have to make another blueberry pie to see if it will turn out non-soupy.

  2. surprising the young dude decided to go to college 3000 miles away when there are pies like that on the west coast :)

  3. But the big question is: DID YOU WEAR OVERALLS WHEN YOU MADE THE PIE?

    I find that little star of starch charming, too.

  4. I use instant tapioca as a thickener for my blueberry pies. Works like a charm. I'll try to find you the recipe or ratios. That banana cream pie looks amazing.

  5. Will you post the Banana Cream Pie recipe someday or just tease us with pictures?
    Jim Deaton
    The Blue Mud Newsletter


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