
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Shall I Hem Your Curtains?

I had a text discussion with Ernest about bringing my sewing machine to hem a pair of curtains, which drag over the towel rack in a bathroom.

It reminded me of this:

Sunday, May 29, 2016

How To Plan a Road Trip

Decide on your ultimate destination.

Put stickers on the map for things you want to see.

Decide which stickers are close to a reasonable route.

Decide which exceptions and detours must be made.

Discuss planning ahead versus winging it.

Discuss making reservations versus showing up and hunting for a place to stay.

Discuss short drives with time for sightseeing, or 8 hour drives with time for dinner, versus 15 hour drives where you get in at midnight and still have to make camp.

Make reservations.

Note: the person who does the planning gets the last word. 


Wednesday, May 18, 2016


A co-worker and I thought this guy was wearing a pointy hat. 

And definitely a contrasting effect here: huge cat, tiny perch. 

That perch looked so much bigger when we bought it. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Pink Saturday

Ernest spotted this pink darling at the Arboretum. 

I went wild and crazy with some hard boiled eggs, soaking them in beet juice. 

My husband said he could not find a good card for me for Mother's Day, but somehow I managed to find the perfect card for his mother. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Homer Meets the Challenge

You may have seen the cats vs. cucumber video?

Homer's not scared. He looked at it and thought, "Hmmph.  I can't eat it. I shall visit the food dish instead."

This fabulous piece, The Cucumber Incident by Jason Edward Davis, was displayed at the Cat Art Show. A print can be yours on Etsy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

True Conversation

Me:  If you could look at the bill by this weekend, and attach a cover sheet to the TPS report, that would be grrreeaatt!

Me: Sorry I couldn't stop myself there.  ðŸ˜‰

Ernest:  I always appreciate office space jokes haha. 

Ernest:  I'll get you the memo

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Hope This Works!

I, like many others, thought an offer of free Windows 10 was a great thing at first. Now I am reading that it may wreak havoc on older computers. So now I am trying to avoid the Windows 10 update. 

Microsoft says to do this: 

Computer Configuration
To block the upgrade by using Computer Configuration, follow these steps:
  1. Click Computer Configuration.
  2. Click Policies.
  3. Click Administrative Templates.
  4. Click Windows Components.
  5. Click Windows Update.
  6. Double-click Turn off the upgrade to the latest version of Windows through Windows Update.
  7. Click Enable.
Policy path: Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Update Policy
Setting: Turn off the upgrade to the latest version of Windows through Windows Update

I can't even find that path on the computer.

So I tried this...

Now it's supposed to ask my permission first, which I can deny. 

(Yes, I am a little weird and have a link to the Celebrity Grave Finder website. We go to the Forest Lawn Museum occasionally and it's nice to visit someone while there.)

Friday, May 06, 2016


In my quest to reveal truth in packaging, this is a coconut chicken curry I purchased at Costco.

Ugh. And it was much smaller than I expected, based on the size of the container.

I added some extra peas because the grayish peas in it were few and far between.

But served on a bed of rice, it was actually a tasty dinner.

It was good on a night I was short on cooking time.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Her Supreme Catness

While The Queen looks like she is angry about something, she was actually in mid-yawn.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016


This shirt was very popular the first time I wore it to the book store, but it really faded after I washed it. So disappointing. I guess it has a few more washes in it before the Cheshire Cat disappears completely. Typical Cheshire Cat behavior!