
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Things I Am Happy About

Going to the theater with my niece tonight.

My BFF and her daughter are coming to visit at the end of the month.

Frank is going to visit Ernest. (I must BEG for a picture of the 2 of them together.)

Procrastination: my trash can was full of ants when I went to put it away after the pickup. So I left it out, thinking I would rinse the ants out a little later when it got shady. When I went back, the ants were gone!


Cat tested. 

Cat approved.


  1. Your cat is amusing! I like how you have left a sort of cat-sized space on your bookshelf, on top of those books.

    Those are good things. It sure helps to balance out all the bad things (as you mentioned in your previous post).

  2. Cat tested and approved!
    Isn't it funny how procrastination can pay off? It happens just often enough for me to keep me going... er, not going. Whatever!
    Enjoy the concert tonight and YES, get a photo of the two boys together!

  3. I like the before and after with the bookcase :)

  4. I really like your bookcase! The wood is gorgeous.
    Yay for self-moving ants!


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