
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Weekly Drive

I really miss the daily drive, taking Ernest to school. He was so excited when he got his driver's license because he thought he was imposing on me when I drove him somewhere. It wasn't an imposition; I loved it. We had some great adventures.

I enjoy heading in a new direction on the way to visit the lovely M-I-L once a week.

A few weeks ago we drove from the ocean...

to the forest...

No, not really the forest. Just a driveway through a vineyard. We were on the hunt for the Cuban food truck! Success! The most delicious Cuban sandwich and yuca fries.

Last weekend was not so exciting. Just an expedition to Costco and a hot dog.


  1. what a view! Lovely. And food, yummy!

  2. Costco is an adventure to me these days, so you can only imagine how exotic yucca fries would be for me. I miss the ocean and am terribly grateful for a view via your photo. Thank you!


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