
Friday, November 16, 2018


We had some mint left in the fridge. Mojitos? asked Frank. Mojitos, said I.


Handy liked them so much he wanted to make another batch. He kept asking me what to do. I don't know, I'm busy cooking right now. I just printed the recipe and Frank made them (the joys of having an over-21 child who can bartend for you). Why don't you look at the recipe, honey. Finally when he was going to put the club soda in the shaker, I just exploded, like I knew the shaker would do if he shook it with club soda in it! Look at the recipe NOW dammit please. (I said please but you know what I really meant.) So he did and they were fine.

With all those limes in the house, I had to make something limey for dinner. This is from Chrissy Teigen's Cravings: Hungry For More cookbook.

I didn't have skinny carrots so the old fat ones had to do. And I did reduce the cayenne by about half because I like to not burn my throat. We all agreed this was really delicious and it will go in the regular dinner repertoire.

So was it possible for me to do a post without cats Yes. But where's the fun? So here's Lime-Cat.

Although its probably a pomelo.

1 comment:

  1. PRETTY presentation! I cannot drink rum, but I hear that is a tasty beverage.


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