
Tuesday, June 18, 2019


I know they say self-diagnosis is a bad thing, but I really think my recent stabby head pains are occipital neuralgia. Inflammation of the nerves in that area. First treatment: ibuprofen.

I was taking it sporadically when it got too stabby. It went away but flared up again. And then I remembered when the kids were teens and had their wisdom teeth out and were told to keep taking the ibuprofen prescription until it’s gone, even if they didn’t have pain, as it was reducing the inflammation. So I'm taking it consistently and I see a difference.

Also now I don't feel the dull tooth ache (since my root canal) and the mystery pain in my foot so much. So that's a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awful. Dull nagging pain that never passes? I hope you're getting relief with the pills!


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