A friend on Faceboook posted the saga of the candy wrapper which would not be picked up for hours... reminds me of when I worked as an aide at our elementary school.
ME Please pick up the trash.
THEM [whining] But it's not MIIINE!
ME But you didn't pick up your own trash either. I pick up all sorts of trash that is not mine. So?... ... ...
THEM ??? [totally blank and incomprehensible response]
ME: If you pass it, pick it up. Make the world a better place.
THEM [Groaning]
Then there was bribery. 10 pieces of trash for a "good for you" ticket which they could accumulate to exchange for cheap stuff from a PTA cart.
I'm sure they hated me.
Aren't people amazing? But in my experience it's usually boys who litter more than girls, and men who litter more than women. There is, however, a sweet elderly man who lives near us and on his daily walk he picks up garbage along the side of the highway.