
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Weekend Accomplishments

Last weekend was momentous as I got TWO whole tasks accomplished.

1) Trimmed Harry's undercarriage. It took both Jeff and Handy to hold him down. I got most of the mats cut off and I did not have to shear him clean like a sheep. I hope to do another round soon.  All the other cats do a better job of grooming themselves and like to be brushed.

2) Brodarted the remainder of my Happy Hollisters collection.

This weekend, not so much. I have haphazardly cleaned a portion of the bathroom so maybe I will finally finish that. I still have Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I never knew brodarting was the name of fitting that plastic cover!
    I had to bathe a cat twice. That was two times too many. Imagine having to groom one!


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