
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A is for Apple, Pi is for Pie

Thanksgiving preparations are underway.

Tonight I made the apple pie. While the apples are homegrown from our own front yard, I confess that the crust is Pillsbury. (Ernest disagrees with me on using a ready made crust, so I made him responsible for making the pumpkin pie crust from scratch.) He also made the vent holes: the pi symbol, in case it's not clear. That's what you get from a math whiz. He's also wearing Frank's old t-shirt:


  1. Laughing! Still laughing! The Pi symbol is also used in the legal profession, referring to Plaintiffs, while the triangle is used to refer to defendants. Next time you bake a pie, have Ernest also add the triangle symbol to the crust. It makes for some very interesting patterns.


  3. Hey - thanks for visiting my blog and commenting, thought I'd do the same for you. Love the pi pie, and the garbahge!


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