
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

How can you have a peace conference, invite other Nobel peace prize winners, and exclude the Dalai Lama?

And on the homefront, Frank is going on SPRING BREAK. Unsupervised. Sigh. He is driving (in our truck) a group of friends to someone's parents' house at Lake Tahoe. Naively, I thought my parenting worries would go away when he was 18. Because when I was 18, I stopped worrying about what my mother thought. Now I know, it doesn't go both ways. (Not that I EVER did anything bad, except have a boyfriend. Who I am still married to, by the way. Well, I certainly turned that tidbit into something all about me. But as I always say, it's MY blog.)

OK, the rest of the tidbits are not serious.

I thawed some shrink-wrapped Costco salmon pieces in a bowl of water.
Ernest: "Are you trying to revive the fish?"
Smalltown Mom: "Yes, are they swimming yet?"

That paper Ernest had to write? He got an.....A.

Some third graders told me there was bird poop on their table. Let me tell you, I know what bird poop looks like. I've cleaned up lots of it. This was no bird poop. It was white frosting mixed with oreo crumbs. I should have grossed them out and tasted it, but you never know where it's been.

So how was your Tuesday?


  1. Congratulations to Ernest on his grade, and I'm sending a flask to help you make it through all the worrying over spring break.

    We just had a conversation initiated by a piece of little guy wanted to know why the fish had to die so we could eat it. Blah.

  2. Yay on the A!

    Not such a good Tues. here - picked up a stomach bug. :(

  3. Wait wait wait a minute here.. I have one turning 18 in a week... are you telling me I still have to be the mom?
    LMAO at the Oreo bird poop. You SHOULD have tasted it.. and then said "Tastes like robin.. or possibly sparrow."

  4. I really didn't appreciate Natasha Richardson's unfortunate death happening while my snow was off snowboarding. Without a helmet.

    Worrying is definitely in our DNA.

  5. I can definitely see you eating the faux bird poo. That would have been a fun conversation at parent/teacher night!

  6. Give it a couple of years and the worry will recede a bit - a little bit...

  7. My tuesday was significantly better than Monday...mainly due to the connection of drain to outside loo! At least we don't have to go to the pub for a pee now!

  8. As you know I've got some teenaged drama going on as well, so you have my total and complete empathy. Virtual chocolate your way...

  9. I know what I would have done on Spring Break at Lake Tahoe. Heck, I know what I DID do there when I lived so mother would have been horrified. Not helping, sorry!


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