
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Rest of the Battle

The battle escalated from balloons to buckets. It got a lot wetter.

You have to spray yourself before you refill the bucket.

Now it's Ernest's turn.

Good thing they had a helmet.

I have no idea why they were sitting in the blue bucket.


  1. The bucket was there...that's why he sat in it!
    A good waterfight is great for the spirit...and it has no age limit!!

  2. They're wearing helmets? Just how strong is your water pressure?

  3. We just started our mandatory water rationing yesterday. I guess if we only get to water on Sun-Tu-Th we probably aren't allowed to have epic water battles.

  4. Jen -- our water pressure is normal but the force of a bucket of water being dumped off the second floor balcony is pretty strong.

    Jenn -- They should have conserved water and battled on the front lawn. Wait, they did that too!

  5. That looks like a lot of water and a lot of fun!

  6. That's hilarious! Zack can't decide if that looks like fun or torture.

  7. Gawd, this looks like soooo much fun. I want to join them.


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