
Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Daily Drive: Close Call

I learned something on the dark drive home from Hogwarts Tuesday night.

A deer running across the road does not prance like this.

It is simply a silvery brown blur in the headlights.

I didn't even see it coming. If Ernest hadn't seen the first deer run across the road and called out "DEER," I would have hit the second deer for sure. With his warning, I slowed and the deer flashed by me about 5 feet in front of the car.

Funny thing, it was just around the bend from the haunted house...


  1. scary! Yeah, they do jump out at you from nowhere. And 'deer in the headlights' is such a true saying.

  2. The deer must be going crazy this week -- this is the third deer incident I've heard of in four days.

    I'm glad y'all are safe and unharmed.

  3. I remember my dad hitting a deer. I'm glad you avoided it!

  4. Wow, close call. I've never hit one, but they are all over our road.


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