
Friday, November 19, 2010

Revisiting the Deathly Hallows

With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows opening at midnight,
I thought I'd revisit another midnight.

The book release party at midnight, July 21, 2007.
Ernest was the first person in our small town to get his copy.
He won the book and the first-in-line privilege at a school auction.
That beautiful young woman between us?
She's a dearest friend's daughter.
She bought her first Harry Potter book at that store.
She had to return for the last one.



  1. Very cool, and I love the pictures! Can I join in? Here's my memory of that same night (and the reason I started my blog)!

  2. Thanks Jen! You and your brownies were very lucky!

    Amy other Harry Potter memories out there?

  3. When I think about reading that last book, I remember being so overwhelmed by the drama and emotion that I had to put the book down every now and then and pace around for a little while.

  4. Love these pictures! I loved the books and have seen every movie. Can't wait to see this one!

  5. How exciting! I love the ritual and party that everyone makes over it. And the idea that it's about A BOOK is fantastic.

  6. That is just amazing and fun.

    And you look fab in that dress!

  7. Haha - looks like you had fun.


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