
Wednesday, January 05, 2011


That's my teeth chattering, in case you were wondering. It was 32° this morning. Yes, I know the temp is in the teens or below for some of you, but remember we are California Weather Wussies out here. I forced Ernest to wear a sweatshirt. Mean old Mom.

Remember Miss Z, my interesting first-grader. I neglected to blog about her activities during the last week of school in June. Let's just say they led to a 3-day suspension. I don't see her too much this year, because she's in a different second grade class, but occasionally we have some playground interaction. On Monday, she came up to me and said, "I need to go to the office to call to go home because I have asthma and need my inhaler." Note: she does NOT have asthma, it was just an elaborate plot. A fine little actress, that one. What is this obsession the kids have with going to the office? They think it's some magical cure-all. Or maybe they just get candy.

In other news, I think I've killed our computer. Not this one, but the other one. Aaack.

[Pretend there's a picture of Cathy going "aack" right here. This computer doesn't like to copy pictures.]

1 comment:

  1. It was 9 degrees here this morning - falling lower over the next few days - 32? PLEASE!!!!;0


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