
Thursday, January 06, 2011


Miss Z has some competition in the acting department.

I watched Miss T and a friend walk across the blacktop towards me, about the length of 2-3 basketball courts. Miss T announced, "I need to go to the office because I just fell and sprained my ankle."

But she had managed to walk the aforementioned length without a trace of a limp. So I told her I didn't think it was sprained, since she wasn't having any trouble walking on it. But I called the office anyway.

As I finished my conversation, I noticed Miss T auditioning various limps for her friend, until finally she settled on a painful looking foot drag with the presumably injured foot twisted as far as it would go to the side.

I called her on it.

However, Miss Z is still on a roll this week. After several reprimands in the cafeteria for yelling in people's ears and general rowdy misbehavior, she let loose with this statement: "Girls are supposed to kill boys." (She has two older brothers.) All the boys at the table were terrified. Don't worry, we tattled on her to her teacher.


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