
Monday, March 19, 2012

Signs of Spring?? 2012

Our seasons have been a little strange this year, so my seasonal post may be too!

While we've had the usual flowers....

wisteria plumes
sweep the earth, and soon
the rains will fall

Masaoka Shiki

That was true...the wisteria was bursting into bloom last week, then we had rain this weekend.  We also had SNOW!  This was taken Monday about 3:00.  By 6:00 it was gone.

And Ernest has a varied spring wardrobe.  From the tight...

To the tuxedo...

Enjoy spring!


  1. Dude looks SHARP :) What a beautiful shot of your mountains, wowie!

  2. Damn you have a cute son. And versatile, too!

  3. He cleans up nice. ;)

    We had snow this morning. I am ready for some color!

  4. Is that freesia in the first photo? I've tried and tried to grow it here, with no luck.

    Ernest looks very handsome in both outfits.


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