
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday Tidbits

It continues to feel cold here.  (Different angle than yesterday's picture).  Note to self -- remember this location.  It is the best location for photographing the local mountains. For you locals, it's the road between the highway and the cowboy bar.  That should pinpoint it exactly. 

I'm wearing a sweater and I'm still chilly, so I decided on soup for lunch.  As my mother called it, Soup Du Jour, where you throw all your leftovers in a pot and hope it tastes OK.  Five leftovers.  I've tied my own record for creative leftover use.  

This turned into a delicious vegetable rice soup.  But you will notice Homer in the background giving me the EVIL EYE.  Where's the PORK?  he's thinking.  Where's the BACON?  

Even serving it in a cat mug did not placate him.  Usually he's very curious about what I eat, but not today.

Enjoy your day!


  1. I love that kind of soup! Not nearly as much as I love your mountain view, though...

  2. Oh, yum!! Look at those snowy mountains! Soup is perfect for a cold day!

  3. what makes the view perfect is those trees indeed, and what makes the soup perfect, you clever and resourceful gal, is the fantastico cat mug made by me! :)

  4. Soup! And a view! I do love a view with trees.

  5. My aunt who lives near me emailed me earlier about the crazy weather you've had recently. I cannot believe you have snow in the mountains!

  6. Its a beautiful picture of the mountains! Love it!


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