
Friday, April 13, 2012

Saturday PhotoHunt: Sturdy

This week's Saturday PhotoHunt theme is sturdy.


(of a person or their body) Strongly and solidly built.

Synonyms:strong - robust - firm - stout - stalwart - lusty - tough

I have never been able to get this phrase out of my head:  "So-and-so was a sturdy child."  Where did I get that?  Was it from a book?  Was it something my aunts said about me?

While I have a lot of sturdy things around, sturdy friends, a sturdy home, sturdy wooden items my husband has built, all I can think of is sturdy children.

So here is my sturdy child, circa 1998.  It appears he invented planking!

And here is the sturdy child, passed out from exhaustion after sawing at the sturdy newel post with his sturdy toy saw.

Sturdy children grow up to be quite awesome, by the way.

Next week's hunt is for "reflect."


  1. Good shots of your sturdy child. I grew up with that expression so it's not just you. My grandmother used to say it.

  2. Oh my good heavens! I love your little sturdy planker! Cute. Cute. CUTE!

  3. haha .... he's cute. I finally found the inventor of planking. :D

  4. Awwwwwwww, sweet take on the theme. Love the 'sturdy' curls too!!!

    Mine's HERE if you'd care to join me. My first since TNChick stopped hosting long ago.

    Happy weekend.

  5. Teehee -- what a fun take on the theme! :)

  6. How perfect is that?
    It takes a sturdy mom to raise a boy like that :-)
    I hope to see y'all next Saturday... We will be 'Reflecting' next weekend!
    ♥ Sandi

  7. Those pics are so cute! Thank you for making me smile this rainy, gloomy Saturday morning! What an adorable child!
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. Ok first of all I am laughing ... you will know why when you see the pic I posted today.

    Second I am laughing even harder at the sturdy child at the top of the stairs. Too bad he didn't finish his sawing project, right Mom?

  9. little dude in the lower pic has quite an awesome tee on doesn't he? :)

  10. Fun shots - you're right, children seem to be able to cope with so many things and then just crash!

  11. Grinning over the passed-out child at the top of the stairs... now I have to go look up planking!

  12. Hysterical. I have so many photos of my kids having fallen asleep in mid activity!


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