
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Polenta Kisses

I picked up something new (for me) from Trader Joe's. This looks tasty.

But it looked a little different when I opened the package.

Polenta kisses!

I do like the ingredients list -- everything is a recognizable food substance.

More importantly, how did it taste?  Delicious.


  1. That is indeed a remarkable ingredient list for packaged food - listing actual food! We don't have Trader Joe's near us, so unfortunately I can't try this one.

    I take it your cat does not like polenta? I didn't see the paw in these photos.

  2. CHM, nothing on that healthy plate would have interested Homer. He prefers deli-type food.

  3. Ooh, good to know. It's always good to have inside info on some of the trader joe's frozen stuff. Have you tried those little individual apple dumpling things? So good. So deadly. So easy to eat the whole damn box. Also the shrimp corn dog things. Sounds weird, but so tasty. My little gluten free self misses both of those now forbidden goodies.

  4. Oh, and the dark chocolate peanut butter cups. OMG!

  5. I wondered about this TJ product - thanks for the thumbs up!


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