
Friday, March 28, 2014

The Magic of Chocolate

A friend sent me this.

I did find some chocolate the other day, only about 6 steps away! I'd forgotten I had good chocolate stashed away in a cupboard. But someone else had discovered the last bag of Halloween candy and I found it opened in the pantry, so I helped myself to a few tiny Hershey bars.

The next day went so much better. The chocolate must have magic powers! I had to go to the big town for some business (small town banks are not as helpful as they used to be), and I:
  • Found a parking space at Trader Joe's.  They always have such tiny crowded parking lots.
  • Accomplished the business at the bank with a person who was actually helpful.  
  • Exchanged Ernest's brand-new tie which had a water stain on it.
I bought a magic chocolate bar at TJ's which I'm sure helped the day go smoothly!

I did get caught in the rain at the market when I got home, but that's actually a good thing since we need the rain so desperately.


  1. Magical chocolate! What a great thing to have discovered!

    Off in search of chocolate,


  2. yes, it does... some days things are right as rain.

  3. Sweet!
    Now I want some chocolate...

  4. Chocolate is the 5th food group. I'm actually worried about not having any at hand for 9 days on the road when we go on Spring Break.
    Would you like to meet me in Yosemite on Sunday? :)


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