
Friday, January 30, 2015

Ripe Not

The "ripe now" sticker on the avocados causes me a lot of trouble. The restaurant guy has solved the mystery. It is a trademark, not a notification.

People keep pinching them to see if they're ripe, The nearly ripe ones end up being so bruised they are often too disgusting to eat. 

I have learned to reach to the back or under layer of the stack to find hard green ones. Put them in the fruit bowl for a few days. Avoid squeezing them. When the stem can be easily pulled out they are ripe and keep for a few more days in the fridge. No bruises!

I am going to send Ernest 3 months of heirloom avos from the Avocado Diva. Fresh from the trees! 

An avocado a day would be lovely. It doesn't always have to be guacamole.
Avocado on toast, on eggs, in a BLT, in fruit salad, on pizza, or like yesterday just eaten out of the skin with a little vinaigrette.

A month's worth of ideas!


  1. Oh for all of the wasted 'cados I pitched into the trash from the abundant tree next door. I didn't learn to love them until I moved away. Now I can't get enough!

  2. I know, so good just sliced onto things, and my favorite is blenderize them with only lemon juice to smear on burritos etc :) GOOD TIPS about ripeness, bruising, etc!

  3. I bought my first bag of these the other day and wondered what the blackish mark was. A bruise! Thanks for informing me!

  4. You have got to be the coolest Mom sending avocados via post! Totally writing that down to remember in a few year's time...

    oh and this- yesterday at a friend's for superbowl and she cut into an avocado to feed to her son and guess what? Rotted throughout. I'll have to send her your link ;)

  5. We are avocado addicts here--can't get enough!


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