
Sunday, February 08, 2015

It's a Cool Cali Kind of Weekend

We had a bit of desperately needed rain, which left a snowy drift of petals on the ground. 

But not enough rain to interfere with the barbecue plans tonight. 

For lunch, a little avocado and Artichoke Bruschetta. 

Handy's noodling on the guitar, I'm reading, and the cats have staked out their usual napping positions. 

Last night Frank had all three cats on the couch. He's a cool cat, too. 


  1. Sounds like a very cool kind of weekend!

  2. I'm looking forward to your other son's next pictures of snowy Boston....

  3. so last week I grilled some top rounds for dinner because I was so desperate for BBq flavor-aka warmer weather. I wore a winter hat, coat and gloves to do it and had to keep brushing the snow fall off of the grates, but man dinner was awesome ;).

  4. That lunch looks absolutely delicious!

    I'm trying to enjoy having our 22yo living back at home... or at least not be annoyed by it. I keep reminding myself that he isn't homeless and he isn't living far away and not contacting us, so I guess it's good.


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