
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What Do I Want?

I've got a birthday coming up next month, the big 5-5. Handy asked me what I wanted. Besides not cooking going out to dinner, I couldn't really think of anything. I have enough stuff, I said. He is aware of my feeble attempts to declutter.

He was delighted with himself because he thought of the perfect thing that wouldn't take up any space. He would have my car detailed. Isn't that more of a him thing than a me thing?

I'm not too fussy, I mean I have been happy with new toilets (and here too) but we don't need any more of those.

He did accomplish a small home improvement task for me this weekend. Something that has been bugging me for years. Replace the moldy caulking around the sink. I have asked for this off and on with no response, but finally a piece of it came loose. No, I did not yank on it to make it worse. Much.

It's so beautiful now! I told him it could be an early birthday present. 

Hmmm...the house needs painting.  I wonder... 


  1. I have the same problem coming up with a birthday wish. Freshly caulked sink and counters is a great thing, but if you still need an idea, you could take a vacation and come to Washington State!


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