Sunday, December 30, 2007
More Cowbell
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Shaken, not Stirred
Oprah's Pomegranate Martini
1 1/2 cups pomegranate juice
2 oz Absolut Citron vodka
1 oz Cointreau
cup of ice
Shake ingredients in a shaker and pour in chilled Martini glasses.
Tasty, even when shaken in Tupperware and served in a wine glass.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Rock Band is in the Bulding
We're going to leave the room for a while while they get organized.
P.S. Later... drums have been set up. They both like the drums. Now we hear a constant tap tap tap.
Ernest made the pumpkin pie himself. Completely by himself. (At Thanksgiving he had a LITTLE help.) I am quite impressed. Kudos to Ernest.
It's beginning to look (a little) like Christmas
Sunday, December 23, 2007
That damn man-cold!
I barely got Christmas pulled together for my own family. No cards or letters, they will wait till New Years.
We took a trip to the big town today, most importantly to see Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp) and also to buy a ham.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Party
His company spares no expense and hosts a really good Christmas party. Good food: "eclectic California cuisine." Good door prizes: many gift certificates, several iPods, and 2 iPhones. (The HH won an iPod shuffle and 50 free songs.) Good alcohol: Lots of it. Greeters at the door handed out margaritas and mojitos. And there were 2 bars. Good band: The HH made me promise I wouldn't make him dance, but two of his friends
nagged shamed him into it, so he danced with me once. My cute shoes weren't too good for dancing (wedgies with non-skid soles). But they looked good.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Thank You, Gentle Knight
My Handy Husband went on a quest today, into the dark soulless void of Costco, to acquire a gift for one of our spawn. He was successful in his hunt and brought the gift home, secretly sequestering it in his private vault. I was in another part of our castle, and when I came into our great hall I found a lovely offering from my knight in shining armor:
Unsolicited, Unhinted-For Flowers!!!
And so we must have a little ZepTribute here... to my sweet knight, just reverse the gender:
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.
Kind woman, nothing more.
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain,
tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
Happiness, no more be sad, happiness....I'm glad.
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.
Centerpiece, number 2
Drumsticks appeared on the table this week, courtesy of Frank and stage band. Then Ernest wanted more cowbell. So I told him where to find one.
By the way, Blue Oyster Cult was my first rock concert! With the Handy Husband, who was the Handy Boyfriend back then. This was years before Don't Fear the Reaper.
Man Cold Update
Frank has the cough. His voice is already so deep, it hasn't affected it any. Ernest is OK. The Handy Husband thinks he is getting it.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Man Cold
Actually, my husband's been really sympathetic today. But this is still funny. I need to netflix this show: Man Stroke Woman from the BBC.
P.S. days later... We watched the DVD and it was great!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Frequently Mistaken For...

Here's our version. How to tell a cat from a throw pillow.
Perhaps we watch a little too much TV? At least we sit at the table most of the time.
When I grew up with my mother and aunt, they never wanted to sit at the table. They usually ate in the living room and I ate in my own room. (My aunt ate everything out of a scummy plastic bowl. We called it her dog bowl.)
After I left for college, they put a couch in the kitchen instead of the table.
So I think I'm pretty functional after all.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Back from Oz
His voice is shot, he wasn't miked properly, his songs were oddly arranged, he didn't sing Iron man, and he is an attention wh*re. "Do you want to hear another song? Let me f***ing hear you." Over and over. Hey, maybe you can't hear the audience because 1) you are deaf and 2) they don't care that much? And he didn't think that much of the audience. First he tossed a couple of buckets of water on the front rows, then he got off on spraying them with foam. Again and again. I don't think his roadies liked it. One guy had to come out every time and wipe off the TelePrompter in front of his mike.
What did I like? The guitarist's black UtiliKilt. Maybe it was custom made, it was fuller and more ragged. And the opening video montage, which put Ozzy into scenes from movies and TV. As Cap'n Jack Sparrow, he bit the head off a parrot. And he said he was donating the night's proceeds to Sharon's cancer foundation.
And surprisingly, what I liked the best was his opener Rob Zombie.
Well, there was a chick singing first. A group called In This Moment. She wore white kneesocks and a fluffy little girl dress. I think the HH liked that. She screamed a lot, but not as good as Jada Pinkett Smith in Wicked Wisdom. And Jada can stick her tongue out really really far.
Then there was Rob Zombie. I can't watch his movies, but I would definitely see him in concert again. Alone. Without Ozzy.