It's only his first day of vacation and already Ernest is bored. He doesn't like any of the fun quests I have suggested for him:
- take all his shoes upstairs
- bring down his sheets to wash
- pick up the trash and dishes in his room
What's wrong with those? He's just going to have to think of something on his own.
Meanwhile, my quest for the day was to find out what was making that stinking smell in the refrigerator. It wasn't any kind of leftovers. I'm really good about cleaning them out, after all my childhood traumas of mistakenly opening my aunt's stinky cheese containers. I pulled out everything, including the shelves, and found some suspicious pink dribbles along the shelf tracks. Aha! Stinky meat juice. I have washed the entire interior and it is clean, organized and ready to be stuffed full of Thanksgiving goodies.

But then my nose was overly sensitive, and I could smell the garbage, so I also cleaned out the cabinet under the sink. I see in the picture I forgot the toe kick so it's back on hands and knees for me.

WHAT... is your quest?
And more trivially, WHAT... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?