Ernest agreed to let me visit classes during Fall Family Weekend. I used the trump card only available to mothers of seniors: "but this will be the last time I get to meet your teachers."
He is slightly bothered that AP Statistics isn't "real math" (seemed like math enough to me in college), so to console himself he visits the calculus class on his free period. I would too, if only to hear the teacher's delightful Scottish accent.
In English, they have been working on college essays.
Music is delightful, of course.
He is happy to have been able to load up on science classes this year: Physics (we got to play with motion detectors), AP Chemistry (we did an experiment), and AP Environmental Sciences, where they have made little habitats.
Start this video at about 1:20 to get the reference.
Ernest's habitat is a center for a small green critter. And some dead mealworms.
Sounds like some great classes, and I think I'd listen to any teacher with a Scottish accent :-)
I have a student this semester who was homeschooled, and she missed only 2 points on the last exam. Normally I don't let students take exams home to keep (too many find their way to a new semester's students) but she asked if she could take it to show her parents because she was so proud of it. I love those kinds of students :-)
Our senior boys are so alike!
My son is grown and out of the house, but I remember these days...
He informs me now that he is reading the classics that he didn't get to in school. He has finished Great Expectations and is now on A Tale of Two Cities. :-)
Sounds like a very good mix for a senior year!
haha, ZOOLANDER = brilliant :)
Sounds like he's got great classes and is going to have an amazing college experience.
Parents who miss those events don't realize how much they can learn about how their kids spend their days! Looks like some great stuff going on at his school.
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