Since Saturday night, my husband is probably singing this song right now...
..but I think he's a little bit in love with Eddie Vedder's voice, too.
The show opened right on time with Glen Hansard, Oscar winner for "Falling Slowly" from
Once (but he didn't play that YET...wait for it!!!). His set was far too short, only half an hour, but man can he get sound out of that old guitar. I swear, it was the same one as in the movie, with a big hole in it but our seats were way back so I couldn't say for sure. One guitar and a stomp box. Awesome. And he's from Dublin. And says fuck with an Irish accent---fook! This Irishman is fookin' awesome.
I always hate that the opening act has to play while the venue is half empty and people are strolling around. The opener this year may be the headliner later. (For example, I saw Michael Buble open for Chris Isaak, and a couple years later Buble was back on his own.)
And then Eddie...
Well, first we thought we saw him at a pizza place on the way to the bowl, but that turned out to be his doppelganger. And the doppelganger...he was waving, and calling to people, and switching seats. We thought it might be Eddie, maybe going to make a funny entrance to the show, as we heard he did at the Arlington Theater on a previous tour -- he swung out from one of the fake balconies.
No dice, the real Eddie came out on stage (with much better hair than the doppeganger)...

Click on that to embiggen it...he had many instuments besides the ukulele. And, apparently, many ukuleles!
A cute moment was his love/hate relationship with the mandolin. "If this is a campfire and we're out of wood, this is the first thing that will go in's the little guys you have to watch out for..." (it was even smaller than the ukulele).
And he used a lot of guitars...The whole show was fantastic.
This time Ernest had the misfortune to be seated next the biggest fan. "She kept bumping me... and my ear is numb from her screaming...then she fell over on me..." And if it had been a girl his age, maybe it would have been fun, but this was a 40 year (I'm being generous) woman.
Towards the end of the show Glen came back and they did "Falling Slowly" together. Beautiful.
Oh, I'm still swooning over his voice and I can't write reviews anyway....just breathe...
(music starts at about 2:10)