Thursday, December 13, 2012

Merry Catmas

We were joking about Christmas sweaters over on facebook, and I admitted mine was adorned with cats.

Well, of course it is.  But who knew Catmas sweaters were a real thing?  Here's my Pinterest board.

Homer says to stop all this idiocy and get him some bacon.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

on the one hand, you first think "that is hideous!" but on the other hand, you look at it and think "that is really cute!"...sort of like devils and angels fighting it out over my soul ;)

Patience_Crabstick said...

Those are cute cats. :)

Anonymous said...

It works. Really.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I love your Catmas sweater!

Time to snuggle with Santa Homer. ♥

Glennis said...

Catmas!! AUGH!