Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Doodle for ...

Coloring for adults is in the news, but it's not new to me. Besides my anthropomorphic food, I recently did a little something to surprise a friend...it's on its way.


Common Household Mom said...

That's great! And I loved your anthropomorphic food in the previous post. It reminded me of drawings I saw on the walls at a food pantry. The drawings really spruced things up in what would otherwise have been a dismal place.

I have been doing some coloring, mostly of Celtic stuff. I can't draw to save my life, though. I have to color within (or outside of!) lines drawn skillfully by someone else.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I think I know who that is for! :) She'll love it!

Anonymous said...

Well doodled! I am impressed.