Friday, December 04, 2015

I'm Putting on My Angry Eyes

I've been having an ordeal with my new glasses. First they were made wrong. When I eventually got them home I realized they were crooked. I finally went back to have them readjusted and when they were handed back to me they were scratched. "Oh, they're under warranty." Now I am waiting for another set of lenses. I love my optometrist but the optical shop leaves something to be desired.


Jenny Hart Boren said...

Apparently evangelical advertising space is free here! Good luck with the new/new/new pair of glasses. I got mine from and (after two tries) mine are not bad, but…not that great, either. The sharp vision of my youth is the ONE thing I sorely miss.

smalltownme said...

Whoo, usually Blogger deletes those guys before I see them. OK, I deleted it. Thanks also to Common Household Mom for the message. Don't see how angry mr. potato eyes attracts the evangelicals, but whatever.

The only sharp vision I have left is my 2-3" of close vision without my I could see the scratches in the lens very clearly!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I missed your spammers, or I might have had to pull out my own angry eyes, too!
Frustrating experience with that optical shop. Sheesh!

Common Household Mom said...

That's one of my favorite movie quotes. I hope you get the issues with the glasses ironed out. That sounds frustrating.

Anonymous said...

How annoying to not have your glasses work out--I know how I look forward to new things, so that only adds to the general disappointment, right?
That was an intense spam message!

Gary's third pottery blog said...
