Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Shopping Expedition
So we hit: TJMaxx - for size 16 khaki pants @ $16.99; Ross for size 18 Slim stonewashed black jeans @ $12.99, and Walmart for 2 pairs of size 29/30 (the smallest man size) house brand black jeans @ $10.50 each. LOVE THOSE PRICES!!! But the sizes? He's in that no man's land between boys' and mens' sizes where things are really hard to find.
We found nothing at Target, although the handy husband picked up some of what he called "manties" (briefs) for himself. I made him Google search manties when we got home -- and he's definitely not calling them that any more!
I know some of you (2 links there) have seen your share of odd people at Target. My trip to Target was uneventful, but I found my person at Walmart!
As we left Walmart, a woman with a cartload of bags came up to us. "Can you give me a ride to my motel on Broadway?" she demanded. I said, "No"
To reward ourselves for surviving 4 stores, we had a nice steak dinner at a great old restaurant.
How was your weekend?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Dreams That Need to Go Away
The Handy Husband was talking in his sleep, but doesn't remember what it was about.
And I've had some rather odd dreams lately.
- I dreamed I'd lost Ernest at Disneyland. This was one of my classic frustration dreams. No one would help me. I tried to call him but there was no speed dial memory...I had to press the buttons on a teeny tiny phone (which Ben Stiller movie was that in?) and failed every time. It seemed like real life to me.
- That same night there was a second frustration dream, but I don't remember it any more. It was probably worse. If I remember it, I'll update the post.
- The next night....OK,this is really disgusting, so just imagine how I felt while I was dreaming it: I was "passing gas" but not from the place it would normally come from, it was from the female place. So I went in the bathroom, and literally gave birth to a giant yellow chile pepper, and some baby peppers. At this point I knew I was dreaming. But WHY about this??????
Please give me an unconscious night tonight!
What have you dreamed about lately ?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Whiny Woe is Me Wednesday
I woke up at 4:30 a.m. The handy husband was talking in his sleep. Most of it was unintelligible: "Mrrf, mrraf, what? Mrrk, mmrrrf, who are you?" I don't know what he was dreaming about. His alarm rang at 5:00, he left at 5:30 (lots of things to do at work.) meanwhile I am tossing and turning...dying to go back to sleep but unable to. At 6:30 I gave up and got up. At 8:00 I got a phone call from another aide. Sick kids, can I cover her upper campus recess and lunch duty? Ick - 8th graders. (Ernest is in 7th -- he doesn't count, but I hardly ever see him up there as he hangs out in the band room.) So I wondered, Will it be that kind of day? What will happen next?
But later today I saw this..."Everything's amazing and no one's happy:" (Thanks, Mrs. Brightside! And go here and read Barb's post.)
So I should really stop complaining. But I'm still going to leave the whine in there. Because it's a fine whine. Vintage.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday Tidbits
And on the homefront, Frank is going on SPRING BREAK. Unsupervised. Sigh. He is driving (in our truck) a group of friends to someone's parents' house at Lake Tahoe. Naively, I thought my parenting worries would go away when he was 18. Because when I was 18, I stopped worrying about what my mother thought. Now I know, it doesn't go both ways. (Not that I EVER did anything bad, except have a boyfriend. Who I am still married to, by the way. Well, I certainly turned that tidbit into something all about me. But as I always say, it's MY blog.)
OK, the rest of the tidbits are not serious.
I thawed some shrink-wrapped Costco salmon pieces in a bowl of water.
Ernest: "Are you trying to revive the fish?"
Smalltown Mom: "Yes, are they swimming yet?"
That paper Ernest had to write? He got an.....A.
Some third graders told me there was bird poop on their table. Let me tell you, I know what bird poop looks like. I've cleaned up lots of it. This was no bird poop. It was white frosting mixed with oreo crumbs. I should have grossed them out and tasted it, but you never know where it's been.
So how was your Tuesday?
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Junk Pile

Here's my new pile.
The item with the hand is a large button I picked up somewhere -- I should put it in my button jar. The gold key looks important, like it fell off of someone's musical instrument. The gold bead I have just identified as a bauble from a piece of my clothing. Sometimes, screws and things make their way home in the Handy Husband's pocket. But where did that big black hunk of plastic come from?
On the other hand, the dish of change lying around on my husband's dresser was worth $36. Yes, Thirty-Six. Real. Dollars. Whoo-Hoo. If only I could get my hands on Frank's change collection. I hear it fills up 3 Snapple bottles.
So what's lying around your house that you'd like to talk about?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Signs of Spring 2009
A week ago, we fought the brown thumb disease and planted some ivy geraniums in our long-empty hanging baskets.
Another acrylic from when I was 12.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Universal Studios, or The Theme Park Photo Timeline
We rode the new Simpsons ride for the first time. It is way cool. Don't click on this YouTube video if you don't want to see what happens. I warned you!
Going to Universal has become a family tradition that Frank and I started with our first trip in February 1998. (Short hair on both of us!)

Ernest first joined us in 2001.

We even got the HH to come along in 2007.

This year, we invited nephew McQueen.

Look at how fast those boys grow up. Ernest is significantly taller than me now. Sniff.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Little Blarney for St. Patrick's Day
Approaching the castle.
The white stuff on the ground?
Frost. Lots of it. It was COLD!
You don't say:
Yep, all the way up there:
There was a warning...something about falling rocks. We didn't care.
The stairs going up were very narrow.
The view from the top was incredible.
A good view of the frost from up here.
OK, here we go.
I assume the position.

And voila, I have kissed the Blarney Stone!
The Handy Husband chose not to.
I don't think he would have enjoyed hanging upside down like that.

The stairs down were bigger, and had a real handrail.
And of course, there was a pub to warm up in afterwards.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Whoopee, a Day Off!
Ernest and I have the day off, due to a teacher in-service day.
Hopefully, we are heading off to do something fun. But I don't want to jinx it because the last time we planned this, something else came up.
No comments here today. Please visit my previous post and say hello to my Beloved Niece.
But I beg you, do come back tomorrow. For St. Patrick's Day I will have pictures from our trip to Blarney Castle.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Welcome to Multitasking Mom on the Go
She tells the truth of her busy life with a sense of humor. This goes back a long ways. Like when she was 3, she came over to my house and told my mom how messy it was. And she was adorable. And we laughed over that for years, because it was the absolute TRUTH.
In the years since, she has been not only my niece but also my little sister and my best friend.
I know for a fact that she is an awesome mother. I know this because she
I was once more truly grateful when she and her husband decided to move back to our small town last year. When she talks about their garden...that's the house I grew up in but they keep a much better garden now. And a much cleaner house!
Anyway, she is Mom on the Go at Multitasking. Give her some bloggy love...you'll enjoy her and she'll appreciate your company.
And just so you know: Constant Comet = McQueen. Busy Bee = Mr. Thomas. Well, of course he's a bee. I have proof.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Cost of Living, or is it Friday the 13th Already?
Every one of us, including the CATfor goodness sakes, has been to the dentist at least once this month. The HH goes back on the 20th for a crown or two. I go back in April (yay, I don't have to add it to March's bills) for the last 1/4 of my major mouth rework. Both boys had cleanings. Floss, dammit! I told them the cat had to have 3 teeth pulled because she didn't floss. (Even monkeys can floss.)
The cat: $223.75 for her exam + bloodwork, and $387.88 for the dentistry. ($611.63, added the old-fashioned way with pen and paper because it was faster than finding a calculator.) For the cat. Because she's 17 and a half and we love her.
And then there was the car: $256.32 for routine maintenance, and then unexpectedly $1303.95 for an incident with a box spring on the freeway. I've been "told" to call the insurance company about that one, but since the youngest driver was driving I'm not too sure about that. I'd rather they didn't know. Please don't tell!
***Ooooh, I've been corrected by YouTube. Look for the little info box that pops up:
So I think I'm going to have a really good Friday the 13th today because I'm not really superstitious. And because all this already happened.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The "10 Things I Like Beginning with The Letter..." Meme
I got this meme from Vanessa. Name 10 things I like,
all beginning with the letter she assigned me: P
In no particular order:
Pooh, my favorite thing to watch on a blustery day
Pickles...many kinds.

Purple and Petals
Patchwork and Pillows

photo from PrimroseDesign.com (but I bought the pillow)
Pom and Perrier. Hey, where did that vodka come from?
It looks like it's time to make Oprah's Pomegranate Martinis.
Pearls --whether real or fake, you just can't have too many.
If you want to play too, leave a comment and I'll assign your letter.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
A Different Biking Post
Coincidentally, I saw this photograph by Annie Leibowitz in a local store last week.
I think it should be called it Lance Sans Pants. Which is really funny to me, considering that when I wrote my other post, I first called him LancyPants and then edited myself because that was just disrespectful. But I hadn't seen this photo yet.
I think this photo needs to be in the Cabana at the The Women's Colony. Just sayin'.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Olvera Street
There were delicious tacos.
Is this what happens to the leftovers?
There were colorful souvenirs like wrestling masks...
My personal favorite, decorative food shaped objects:
There was music.
Listening to a pan flute group, there was a child who would not let me take a picture of him laughing after I reminded him of the pan flute South Park episode. (Did you know that Peruvian pan flute bands are the only thing standing between us and an invasion of giant clothed guinea pigs? I didn't think so.)
There were lots of people.
There was the oldest home in Los Angeles.
Then there was the dead camera battery.