Today I took my trusty torch, and spied over the side of the primary suspect's bed. Bingo. The 5 missing items were located, along with a real glass and 7 partially used water bottles.
The suspect (Ernest) was later apprehended and was appropriately embarassed.
Just call me Nancy Drew.
Just wait until he drives! I have a friend who is great at drinking half a bottle of water and then tossing it in the backseat. 20+ bottles later.. it's a problem.
Anonymous, I wish you'd leave a clue who you are because I am just about ready to ban anonymous comments from my blog. Are you my M-I-L? Or someone else I know???
We have imposed the penalty of the loss of a limb for transporting dishes out of the kitchen.
Not quite, but we've been tempted.
Ha-ha! My kids are always walking off with random items (my scissors, the phone, etc.) and then stringently denying they've ever touched them. I'm not sure if it's laziness or short-term memory loss...?
Just curious, why are you banning anonymous comments? Have you had some mean ones?
NOT GUILTY: The m-i-l signs her missives, stays annon because she doesn't have a blog account. Smalltown Mom is the only blog she follows.
Same anonymous as earlier here! You don't know me. I don't have a blog of my own, but I've bookmarked a bunch of blogs that I enjoy following. A bit of a lurker, I suppose. I rarely leave comments. Sorry if you're not a fan of strangers following along.
Man... this brings back memories. When I was a teen, I used to always end up with water glasses half filled by the side of my bed. The only thing that broke me of the habit was moving out to a place with no dishwasher. Suddenly reusing water glasses has become an important part of my life. (I hate washing dishes.)
RLC, you could have been the little girl in Signs who left glasses all over the house!
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